Shelly Lombard

ABOUT: After spending 35 years on Wall Street investing in distressed companies, Shelly started serving on corporate boards. She has also recently launched Schmooze.

GIVE: Tips on finding a corporate board role.

GET: Advice on my B2C and B2B strategy.

TIPS & TRICKS: Relationships can close the gap between where you are and where you want to be eg a corporate board. I used to say that I stumbled into my first board role; but it was really the result of a long-term business relationship. So (1) use groups like The Fourth Effect to expand your network and (2) think about using an advisory board to establish yourself as an expert, gain board experience, and add connections to your network.

DREAM INTRO WISH: Introductions to DEI execs at companies.

MOTIVATION: For a while, I worked from home (even before WFM was a thing!). But the combination of working from home, a demanding job, raising small kids, and being a shy introvert(!), caused me to let my network grow stale. That's what led me to start Schmooze which uses mini master classes and events to help women build and maintain a strong network of business relationships.

FAVORITE QUOTE:  "I am not afraid. I was born to do this." Joan of Arc

You can contact Shelly here.


Jennifer R. Davis, Esq.


Abby Brown