Jennifer R. Davis, Esq.

ABOUT: Jennifer R. Davis, Esq. is an accomplished lawyer with a computer engineering background. She is on the board of directors of Scrum Alliance, which focuses on serving a global community with a mission to advance real-world agility, serving as board secretary and nominating committee chair. Ms. Davis also serves on the board of Adoptive & Foster Family Coalition of New York, which focuses on uniting foster, adoptive and kinship care families, giving them a voice and providing support, information and advocacy, serving as treasurer and chair both the finance and governance committees. She’s associate general counsel for Tempus AI, a precision medicine company, and previously served in roles at Spotify and IBM. Ms. Davis is a proud life member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., having joined the sorority via the Chi Theta Chapter on the campus of University of Delaware.

GIVE: Legal business advice.

GET: Connections for board and General Counsel opportunities.

TIPS & TRICKS: On my board journey I learned to make sure I trust the founders and ceo of any board you are planning to serve. Also, it's important to find a way to gauge that they will trust you and your guidance.

MOTIVATION: My career path has been driven by my childhood desire to be on the boards of companies, although I did not know what it was called at the time. I enjoyed building things and technology, which lead me to engineering. I further enjoyed the business side of technology which lead me to the law. I have leveraged what I learned from both disciplines in my board service.

You can contact Jennifer here.


James Oliver, Jr.


Shelly Lombard